Post-Operative Instructions

Surgical Site

  • There are no incisions.
  • A string may be present exiting the urethra that is taped to the penis or lower abdomen.

Diet and Activity

  • You may return to your normal diet and light activity, as tolerated, after surgery but avoid driving while on narcotic pain medications.
  • Please avoid any heavy lifting more than 10 lbs or strenuous physical activities altogether for several days and then ease back into your regular activity.
  • Staying well hydrated is recommended to help dilute the urine and flush away any potential debris or residual bleeding.
  • If a string has been left attached to an internal stent, please take great care to avoid accidentally pulling on the string.


  • Over-the-counter medications such as extra strength Tylenol (acetaminophen) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve) can be used if needed for pain as directed.
  • Additional medications may include Flomax (tamsulosin) nightly and Ditropan (oxybutynin) as needed for stent discomfort causing lower abdominal cramping and bladder spasms. Pyridium (phenazopyridine) as needed may be recommended for urinary burning though please note this medication results in bright orange urine that might stain clothing.
  • Please avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or any other blood thinners if your urine is very bloody until the bleeding has improved.

Problems you should report

  • Fevers > 101.
  • Any pain not controlled by oral medication.
  • Severe flank pain.
  • Accidental stent removal.
  • Persistent burning with urination.
  • Inability to urinate.
  • Thick blood in the urine (similar to dark fruit punch or tomato juice).
  • Any concerns or problems, please contact us at (717) 393-1771 anytime.


You should be scheduled for a post-operative appointment for stent removal about 3-7 following surgery. Please call (717) 393-1771 to confirm time and location.