Post-Operative Instructions

Surgical Site

  • There are no incisions or dressings.
  • There may be tenderness, redness and bruising around the flank.

Diet and Activity

  • You may return to your normal diet and light activity, as tolerated, after surgery but avoid driving while on narcotic pain medications.
  • Please avoid any heavy lifting more than 10 lbs or strenuous physical activities altogether for several days and then ease back into your regular activity.
  • Staying well hydrated is recommended to help dilute the urine and flush away any potential debris or residual bleeding.


  • You will receive a prescription for a narcotic pain pill to use in addition to extra strength Tylenol (acetaminophen). Narcotics can cause constipation so use over-the-counter stool softeners as needed.
  • Please avoid any Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Aleve, ibuprofen, or any other blood thinners after the procedure for at least two days.
  • You may also receive a prescription for Flomax (tamsulosin) to take nightly. This medication has been shown to relax the ureter and help stone fragments pass.

Problems you should report

  • Fevers > 101.
  • Any pain not controlled by oral medication.
  • Uncontrolled nausea or vomiting.
  • Persistent burning with urination.
  • Inability to urinate.
  • Thick blood in the urine (similar to dark fruit punch or tomato juice).
  • Any concerns or problems, please contact us at (717) 393-1771 anytime.


You should be scheduled for a post-operative appointment about 2-4 weeks after your surgery with abdominal x-ray prior to assess for resolution of the stone. Please call (717) 393-1771 to confirm time and location.